The Argument of the Month Club describes itself as, “The Men’s Forum for Catholic Apologetics.” Started 14 years ago, the wildly successful forum now attracts more than 500 men to its monthly discussions. Tackling tough and wide-ranging topics, the group’s mission is to enlighten both Catholics and non-Catholics in order to better teach and defend the Catholic faith.

Joshua Newville is honored to speak at the forum on May 13, 2014. Newville will join Attorney Joel Oster, senior legal counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, and moderator Michael Olson from Providence Academy, in discussing a topic that intersects employment law and constitutional law: to what extent can private schools terminate employees who speak out against the institution’s principles, teaching, etc.? Can Catholic schools fire employees who are openly opposed to the very faith tradition of the school itself?
Newville, who represents individuals in matters involving discrimination and the deprivation of civil rights and liberties, will argue that private schools must be careful not to ignore individual employee rights, i.e., principles of free speech and anti-discrimination, in a pursuit of institutional autonomy. In presenting his argument, Newville will draw on principles and practices in constitutional and employment law, as well as recent relevant case law and broader policy considerations.
Oster, who represents churches and private schools in such litigation, argues that we’ve entered a new era regarding religious freedom – one where government passes law that requires people and institutions to violate their faith. Oster’s argument focuses on the autonomy of the church and how that relates to such constitutional principles as the free exercise of religion pursuant to the First Amendment.
The discussion will take place in the basement of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, which is located at 408 3rd St. N. in South Saint Paul, MN 55075. The event details, from the event website:
MENU From the AOTM CORONARY KITCHEN!AppetizerChips and salsaDinnerSmoked Pork, boiled red potatoes covered in herbed chived butterDessertBrownies and ice cream 6:00pm Social Hour and Appetizers7:00pm Dinner7:30pm Main Presentation8:30pm Dessert8:45pm Q&A$15 at the door (The total cost for the night) You will get great appetizers and beverages, hear one of the best inspirational stories you have ever heard about manhood and faith. Do all this while you listen and enjoy a fabulous “Manly Meal”. Men of all creeds and ages are welcome to join in the good humor, food, and fellowship. Priests and seminarians get in free but will not be shown partiality in debate. Fathers are encouraged to bring their minor sons.
#EmployeeRights #FirstAmendment #JoelOster #JoshuaNewville #WrongfulTermination #PrivateSchools #FreedomofSpeech #ArgumentoftheMonthClub #freeexercise
Joshua Newville is an attorney and mediator based in Minnesota. He litigates employment and civil rights cases, serves as a mediator for civil disputes, and provides employment law advice.