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Posts from Joshua Newville, a Minnesota employment lawyer, civil rights attorney, and mediator.

Joshua Newville
Aug 14, 2015
Police Officer Suspended After Confronting Disabled Veteran
A Riviera Beach, Florida police officer in now on paid administrative leave after a video recorded on a mobile phone showed him...

Joshua Newville
Feb 13, 2015
Alabama Police Officer Paralyzes Visiting Grandfather
AÂ problem with officers who engage in violations of the 4th Amendment (excessive force, unlawful arrest, and unreasonable search and...

Joshua Newville
Aug 14, 2014
Multiple Allegations of Civil Rights Violations in Ferguson, Missouri
Since the police shooting death of an unarmed 18-year-old black male in Ferguson, Missouri last week, the town of 21,000 people has...

Joshua Newville
Jul 9, 2013
WI Supreme Court Reviews Cell Phone Tracking Against 4th Amendment
The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently agreed to take a case that could potentially lead to the Badger State becoming only the second state...

Joshua Newville
Sep 11, 2012
Video Captures St. Paul Police Brutality
St. Paul Police Officer Jesse Zilge is at home this week, pending the results of an expedited internal affairs investigation. Video...
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