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Posts from Joshua Newville, a Minnesota employment lawyer, civil rights attorney, and mediator.
Joshua Newville
Oct 29, 2012
Suing Hospitals When Doctors Sexually Harass
A San Diego hospital and doctor have been sued by an 18-year-old intern who alleges sexual harassment, sexual battery and assault,...
Joshua Newville
Jul 7, 2012
Twin Cities Lead Nation in Racial Unemployment Gap
In Brown v. Board (U.S. 1954), the United States Supreme Court ordered that public schools across the nation integrate, supposedly...
Joshua Newville
Jun 12, 2012
Lawsuit Alleges Old Boys’ Club in Young Industry
In Bradwell v. Illinois, (U.S. 1873), the Supreme Court declared that allowing a woman to practice law would surely destroy her...
Joshua Newville
Jun 7, 2012
Supreme Court to Review Prop 8 and Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Tuesday’s decision in Perry v. Brown (the “Prop 8” case) means that roughly one year from now, it is likely that the United States...
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