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Posts from Joshua Newville, a Minnesota employment lawyer, civil rights attorney, and mediator.

Joshua Newville
Aug 28, 2014
St. Paul Police Inexplicably Arrest and Taze Black Man
In an alarming video posted to YouTube this week, two St. Paul police officers violently arrested and tazed a black man who was simply...

Joshua Newville
Jan 8, 2014
Failure to Treat Exotic Dancers as Employees a Liability
Historically, owners and managers of strip clubs have adhered to a business model that classifies exotic dancers (often called...

Joshua Newville
Nov 21, 2013
November 2013: Newville Files Federal Qui Tam Action
On behalf of the United States and multiple State governments, Joshua Newville has filed a federal qui tam action in federal District...

Joshua Newville
Oct 17, 2013
October 16, 2013: Newville Files Overtime Class Action Against Lessors, Inc.
Lessors, Inc. is a national trucking company based in Eagan, Minnesota. On October 16, 2013, on behalf of current and former Lessors...

Joshua Newville
Jun 28, 2013
SCOTUS Kills DOMA and Prop 8; Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lives On
It’s been a busy week for employment law and civil rights. The impact of the past week’s Supreme Court decisions on these two areas of...
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